• Tactical-grade MEMS-based gyroscopes and IMUs.

  • MEMS-based inertial motion sensors, accelerometers, inclinometers and vibration sensors.

  • Accelerometers - Gyroscopes


  • Accelerometers - Force Balance Accelerometers - MEMS Accelerometers - Inclinometers - Force Balance Inclinometers - Force Balance Inclinometers - eCompass

  • MEMS-based pressure sensors, pressure transducers and pressure switches.

  • With more than 30 years of combined experience in the field of optoelectronics and two world-class manufacturing facilities in India and Malaysia, we continue to put forth excellent engineering solutions aligned with efficient manufacturing to meet high-volume production requirements.

  • MEMS RTK GNSS/INS, "Ultra" GNSS/INS, Fog inertial navigation system, airborne HD mapping system, RTK GNSS/INS, mobile sensor fusion solutions, large scale mobile HD mapping solution.

  • Atomic Clocks - Oscillators